Working in Partnership with Parents
Research shows that children make better progress in their learning when school and family work together in partnership. Parents and carers knowledge about their children and the on-going support they provide at home, is vital to helping children achieve the very best that they can and reach their potential.
To ensure parents and carers are fully informed about what their children are learning each term, teachers in every year group put together a termly Curriculum Overview, detailing the work the children will be doing in every subject for that term. Click here to visit the Curriculum Overview page.
Parents and carers can also see the work their children will be doing in each subject over the year, in the Subject Overviews. Click here to visit the Subject Overview page.
During the year we hold various curriculum events, open lessons and workshops to keep parents informed about how to support and help their children at home. These include an information session about the end of year 1 phonics check – see below.
Year 1 – Phonics – Parent Workshop Presentation – download pdf version here.
Year 2 – Writing – Parent Workshop Presentation – download pdf version here.
We also hold meetings for children taking end of year tests in year 6. See below how you can support your child with these tests.Year 6 Parent’s Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Guide – download pdf version here.
SATS in Year 6 2022 Parent Presentation – download pdf version here Of course there are many informal opportunities for parents and carers to speak to their child’s teacher and we will always contact parents if there is anything we feel we need to discuss. We hope that parents and carers will do likewise and contact the class teacher if they have any concerns or questions.We also hold termly parent consultations, where parents and carers can view their children’s work and discuss their progress in detail with the class teacher. At the end of the school year we send home an annual report detailing children’s progress and attainment in all subjects.
Parents and carers are also invited into school for many special occasions; for example class assemblies, the celebration of particular religious festivals, exhibitions and events linked to our Unicef and Eco school work.
Every Friday morning for 20 minutes, parents and carers of children in Reception, Years 1,2 and 3, are invited in to ‘Everyone Reads’. This is a good time where staff, parents, carers and children read together. If you need help with supporting your child’s reading, this is a good time to ask your child’s teacher.
If parents and carers are able to give some regular time to the school, we really appreciate this. We need help with a variety of activities such as reading, cooking, art, helping with special events, keeping the school library organised and accompanying classes on visits. If you would like to volunteer on a regular basis, please make an appointment to see the Deputy Head, Emma Hurn, who will be more than happy to discuss it with you.
Every month we publish a school newsletter with a whole range of information and news. Click here to visit the School Newsletter page.
We have an active PSA who work closely with the school to organise social events that the whole school community can enjoy and raise money. Click here to visit the PSA page.