In KS1 we have introduced Widening Horizons.
Every Friday from 2:00 – 3:00pm the children are mixed into groups and take part in an adult led activity which literally, broadens their horizons.
Over a 5 to 6 week block children experience different activities that teaches them new skills or gives them a chance for a new experience. These activities range from learning simple words in Spanish; learning to cook a healthy meal such as vegetable noodles; learning to play different playground games which will help them during play and lunchtimes; to gardening by learning to weed, sow seeds, plant bedding plants, etc.
The children love going to Widening Horizons and experiencing something different.
The choice of activities this term has included:
- Musical theatre
- Gardening
- Gymnastics
- Investigating with Lego
- A range of DT crafts
- Art with bubble paint
- Music with glockenspiels
- Team building activities
- Spanish
- Cooking
- Playground games