Everyone in our school has the right to feel safe, to learn and to do their work without disruption. We want the children in Colindale Primary to develop a sense of shared responsibility to enable this to happen.

Our behaviour policy, which is consistently used by all adults in the school, sets out clearly our approach and expectations with regard to behaviour. It is based on a strong emphasis on recognising and rewarding good behaviour and attitudes. It also has a system of consequences in place for unacceptable behaviour. We encourage children to find appropriate ways of resolving conflicts rather than retaliating, and to seek help from adults. Our policy is shared regularly with the children so that they understand it. Issues around behaviour are also addressed through circle time activities, PSHE and assemblies.

Behaviour is an area where partnership between home and school is particularly important. One way in which parents can support this is to ensure that children understand that they must respect and cooperate with all school adults – teachers and support staff. Whenever a child’s behaviour starts to cause concern we let parents know at an early stage so that we can work together to tackle the problem. We ask parents to please let us know if there is anything happening at home that may impact on a child’s behaviour, for example a new baby in the family, serious illness or family crisis.

We do not tolerate physical violence or abusive language and expect parents to support us in this.


To read our Behaviour Policy in full, click here

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