Our School
Colindale Primary School is a non-denominational three form entry Community School for girls and boys between the ages of 3 to 11, maintained by the London Borough of Barnet, with a resourced provision for children with physical disabilities. On site there is also an assessment centre for pre-school children with complex needs, called Acorn.
At Colindale we are fortunate to have a fantastic new school building which provides a well-planned, spacious, learning environment which is well-resourced and fully accessible. All our classrooms and learning areas are equipped with interactive whiteboards. Outside we have a variety of beautifully landscaped areas which give wonderful scope for outdoor learning and play.
The excellent facilities we have include an indoor heated swimming pool, large all weather play pitch, an enclosed netball/basketball court, a tennis court, soft play room, physiotherapy rooms and a large hall with a stage and sound and lighting system. We also have an environmental area with a pond, a sensory garden, a woodland area and gardening areas.
There are 750 pupils who attend Colindale, organised into seven year groups, each with three parallel mixed ability classes of not more than 30. There are two nursery classes of 39 children, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, as well as a brand new provision for two year olds called Little Rainbows.
Inclusion and Equality
We are proud of our school and share and celebrate the diversity of our community. As a Rights Respecting school, inclusion and equal opportunities are a fundamental part of our ethos. We work towards a community in which there is a common vision and sense of belonging; a community in which the diversity of people’s backgrounds and circumstances is appreciated and valued; a community in which similar life opportunities are available to all; and a community in which strong and positive relationships exist and continue to be developed in our school and in the wider community.
Our role in promoting equality is crucial in creating opportunities for pupils’ achievement and enabling every child to achieve their potential. Our commitment to inclusion is exemplified by our achievement of receiving the IQM Inclusive School Award for the third time.
Our Additionally Resourced Provision for children with Physical Disabilities
We are funded for nine places for children with physical disabilities. Children are based in the mainstream classes alongside their peers. In this way they benefit from participating in all the curriculum activities in their class, as well as the specialist facilities and resources that we have in the school. We work with outside agencies, for example physiotherapy and speech, to ensure the optimum inclusion. Support staff, therapists and parents work together and meet regularly as a team to review and set targets and to differentiate the curriculum when needed.