Colindale Primary School Council 2023-24 

The school council is an important way in which our children are directly involved in contributing to the management and running of various aspects of school. They can make a real contribution to decisions that relate to them. These involve giving their views on certain school policies, discussing ideas for school-wide events and suggesting ways of spending monies raised through our PSA (Parent Staff Association) 

We have two representatives, usually a boy and a girl, from each class from year 1 to year 6. They are democratically elected by their classmates, who elect them as their voice on the council. They meet twice every half term with me (Mr Wild, Assistant Head). At the meetings they all get a turn to feedback ideas they have been given by their classmates and to write down, in their school council notebooks, new issues and questions to take back to their classes for discussion. This way all children’s views can be represented and taken into consideration in decision-making. 

We have already met a few times this year, we have voted for which charity the school will support for children in need.  The children voted to support the Pakistan Flood appeal.  We have also started to explore the different ways the school council might help to make Colindale Primary School even better.  They are currently talking to their classmates about this and gathering ideas from them ready to feedback to the rest of the council. 

Linked to Rights Respecting Articles: 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 24

Please allow me to introduce our school councillors for this year:

Year 1

Deniz BuruncukGunnaaz Minhas, Kiara Pieris-Haddow, Omer Goktas, Lena Swierczynska and Luqman Legowo   

Year 2

Mariam Alniss,  Mohammadassem Alawad, Marwa Latifi, Mohammad Wafa, Al Romissa Saleh, Quinten Man

Year 3

Nathan Herman, Aaradhya Kashyap, Josiah Watson, Alice Liu, Jude Kusi and Amina Mirsalikova       

Year 4

Asia Watson, Abdullah Nashar, Selina Tao, Akshayan Balakumar, Omar Yadgary and Antonia Ciobanu  

Year 5

Juliette Urzica, Ammar Meabed, Shelly Popadiuc, Henry Russell, Kian Gorasia and Ana Leca

Year 6

Bilal Touatou, Dami Olasupo, Tiba Hussein, Baran GharibMargirani,  Agarshan Balakumar, Bilal Khan and Nadira Ahmed     







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