Following government instructions, from today Friday 20th March, Colindale Primary School will be closed until further notice. During this period we suggest that parents and carers refer to the letters posted on the Letters page and also the Home Learning page, for learning activities their children can do at home. We will regularly contact you via text, email and the website, with other ideas and suggestions to engage the children in productive learning at home. 

On Monday 23rd March the school will re-open, but only for children whose parents are Key Workers, children that have an Education Health Care Plan and those most vulnerable. Please follow the link here ( if you think your child qualifies for a place, or contact the school directly.

During this challenging time we hope to remain available to answer your all your queries, so don’t hesitate to contact us via email or phone and we will get back to you as quickly as we can. Please be patient, as we will be working with a very reduced staff.

May I take this opportunity to wish you and your family well.

Lucy Rodgers, Headteacher

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